

Todd's Pork Chops


4 Servings

  • 4 bone-in pork chops (whatever cut you prefer)
  • ½ cup soy sauce *
  • ¼ cup Worcestershire sauce *
  • 1 tablespoon seasoned salt *

Combine soy sauce, Worchestershire sauce, and Season-All in a one-gallon resealable storage bag. Add pork chops, seal bag, and marinate in the refrigerator, flipping the bag half way through. See below for marinating time. You can go longer, if you like, but the chops will be very salty.

Remove the chops from the bag and discard the marinade. Broil or grill, flipping half way through. See below for cooking time.


½-inch thick: marinate 10-15 minutes, cook 6-8 minutes ** or 8-12 minutes ***

¾-inch thick: marinate 15-20 minutes, cook 8-10 minutes ** or 10-15 minutes ***

1-inch thick: marinate 18-24 minutes, cook 10-12 minutes ** or 12-18 minutes ***

1½-inch thick: marinate 20-30 minutes, cook 12-16 minutes ** or 16-22 minutes ***


* Nutrition facts based on the approximate amount of marinade that's absorbed by the pork, not the entire marinade recipe.

** Medium (160°)

*** Well done (170°)


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